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ServiceFix BV acquires Hogedruk Helden


ServiceFix BV acquires Hogedruk Helden

We are proud to announce that ServiceFix BV has acquired Hogedruk Helden. Hogedruk Helden za; continue under the same name and is part of ServiceFix BV. As your high pressure and softwash specialist, we combine advanced high pressure techniques with environmentally friendly softwash methods to safely and thoroughly clean your exterior.

An impeccable result without compromise

Whether for residential homes, commercial properties or public spaces, at High Pressure Helden we provide flawless results without compromise. Our professional approach and sustainable solutions ensure that your space remains not only clean, but also healthy.

Cleaning with an eye for detail

Welcome to High Pressure Helden – your partner in professional cleaning! We are dedicated to providing top-quality cleaning services, from meticulous soft-wash treatments to powerful pressure washing. With our passion for cleanliness and attention to detail, we make every surface like new again.

Whether it’s your home, commercial property or outdoor space, we are ready to meet any challenge with our expertise and modern equipment. Discover the power of thorough cleaning with High Pressure Hero!

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