Terms & Conditions ServiceFix B.V.
These general terms and conditions apply to all agreements concluded with ServiceFix B.V.
For the purposes of these terms and conditions and the provisions based thereon, the following definitions shall apply:
ServiceFix B.V.
The entrepreneur who acts in the exercise of a profession or profession
company. Hereinafter referred to as ‘ServiceFix’;
Either a legal person or a company without a
legal personality that the agreement enters into with
ServiceFix. Hereinafter referred to as ‘client’;
Natural person who does not act in the exercise of his or her
profession or business and enters into an agreement with
ServiceFix. Hereinafter referred to as ‘client’;
Any written offer or quotation to the client
to supply products and/or to carry out
work by ServiceFix;
Civil code;
Offer and acceptance between ServiceFix and the
the client on the basis of Article 6:217 of the Dutch Civil Code;
Distance contract
An agreement which, in the context of a contract
ServiceFix Organized Remote Selling System
products and/or services, up to and including the conclusion of the
agreement only uses one or more of the
more techniques for remote communication.
Identity of the entrepreneur
Name of entrepreneur:
ServiceFix B.V.
Business address:
Industrieweg 63, 2254AE in Voorschoten
Telephone number:
085 800 4321
E-mail address:
Chamber of Commerce number:
VAT number:
Services of ServiceFix
ServiceFix's services consist of the following activities:
- Maintaining and carrying out repairs, as well as hiring and carrying out various types of repairs and renovations in the broadest sense of the word.
- The rental of various types of containers for mixed roof waste as well as removal and processing of relevant waste.

1. These terms and conditions apply to all offers and to all agreements concluded with ServiceFix;
2. General terms and conditions of the client do not apply. In accordance with Article 6:225 paragraph 3 of the Dutch Civil Code, the general terms and conditions of ServiceFix apply in each case. Unless this is deviated from in writing by mutual agreement;
3. Before the distance agreement is concluded, the text of these general terms and conditions Address: Saturnusstraat 9 in The Hague E-mail: info@servicefix.nl Website: www.servicefix.nl Telephone number: 085 800 4321 terms and conditions will be made available to the client. If this is not reasonably possible, it will be indicated before the distance agreement is concluded, that the general terms and conditions can be viewed at ServiceFix and that they will be sent free of charge as soon as possible at the request of the client;
4. The present terms and conditions also apply to agreements with ServiceFix, for the execution of which third parties must be involved by ServiceFix;
5. If the distance agreement is concluded electronically, the text of these general terms and conditions may be made available to the client electronically by way of derogation from the previous paragraph and before the distance agreement is concluded, in such a way that it can be easily stored by the client on a durable data carrier. If this is not reasonably possible, it will be indicated before the distance agreement is concluded where the general terms and conditions can be accessed electronically and that they will be sent free of charge at the request of the client by electronic means or in any other way;
6. If, in the opinion of the competent court , any provision of these general terms and conditions is not applicable or is contrary to public order or law, only the relevant provision will be considered not to have been written, but these general terms and conditions will remain in full force and effect. Instead of a possibly invalid provision, a provision that comes closest to the intention of the parties should apply;
7. ServiceFix is entitled to demand from the client that it provides security for the fulfilment of its obligations, before or after the conclusion of the agreement. If the security required by ServiceFix is not provided, ServiceFix may suspend the performance of its obligations and/or dissolve the agreement without judicial intervention, subject to the other rights to which ServiceFix is entitled, such as the right to compensation
8. Conditions to the contrary shall only form part of the agreement concluded between the parties if and insofar as both parties have expressly agreed to this in writing. The acceptance and retention by the client of a quotation or order confirmation, on which reference is made to these terms and conditions, without comment, shall be deemed to constitute consent to their application. The possible non-application of (part of) a provision of these general terms and conditions does not affect the applicability of the other provisions
1. The offer is without obligation. ServiceFix is entitled to change and adjust the offer. All offers, quotations, price lists, deadlines for execution, etc. of ServiceFix are without obligation unless they contain a period for acceptance. If a quotation or offer contains a non-binding offer and this offer is accepted by the client, ServiceFix has the right to revoke the offer within five days of receipt of the acceptance
2. If an offer has a limited period of validity or is made subject to conditions, this will be explicitly stated in the offer;
3. ServiceFix may assume the correctness of all information provided by the client with the application;
4. The offer contains a complete and precise description of the services offered. The description is sufficiently detailed to enable a proper assessment of the offer by the client. If ServiceFix uses images, they are a true representation of the products and/or services offered. Obvious errors or errors in the offer are not binding on ServiceFix;
5. All images, specification data in the offer are indicative and cannot be a reason for compensation or dissolution of the agreement. Address : Saturnusstraat 9 in The Hague E-mail: info@servicefix.nl Website: www.servicefix.nl Telephone number: 085 800 4321 Truthful representation of the products offered;
6. Each offer shall contain such information that it is clear to the client what the rights and obligations are that are attached to the acceptance of the offer;
7. An offer or quotation made by ServiceFix has a validity period of fourteen days, unless otherwise stated.
1. The agreement between the parties arises on the basis of offer and acceptance in accordance with Article 6:217 of the Dutch Civil Code;
2. ServiceFix will make every effort to carry out the assignment carefully and independently, to represent the interests of the client to the best of its knowledge and to strive for a result that is useful to the client . Insofar as necessary, ServiceFix will keep the client informed of the progress of the work;
3. The agreement is concluded at the time of acceptance by the client of the offer and the fulfilment of the conditions set therein;
4. If the agreement is concluded electronically, ServiceFix takes appropriate technical and organizational measures to secure the electronic transmission of data and ensures a secure web environment. If the client is able to pay electronically, ServiceFix will observe appropriate security measures for this purpose;
5. ServiceFix can inform itself - within legal frameworks - whether the client can meet its payment obligations, as well as of all those facts and factors that are important for a responsible conclusion of the distance agreement. If, on the basis of this investigation, ServiceFix has good grounds for not entering into the agreement, it is entitled to refuse an order or request or to attach special conditions to the execution, stating reasons ;
6. Additions to and amendments to the agreement can only be made in writing .
7. Assignments from the client that lead to additional work will take place in mutual consultation and will be recorded in writing;
8. Agreements or agreements with third parties of the Client do not bind ServiceFix, unless they have been confirmed by ServiceFix;
1. If, between the date of conclusion of the agreement and the performance of the agreement, there is a change in wages, working conditions or social security by the government and/or trade unions, or changes in exchange rates in relation to the currency of the country in which the products being traded are to be settled or the currency of the country from which the products are traded are to be paid for.ServiceFix is entitled to pass on the resulting price increases to the client. If a new price list is issued by ServiceFix between the aforementioned dates and comes into effect, ServiceFix is entitled to charge the prices stated therein to the client;
2. All prices are in principle exclusive of turnover tax (VAT) and other tax levies;
3. During the period of validity specified in the offer, the prices of the services offered shall not be increased, except for price changes due to changes in VAT rates;
4. By way of derogation from paragraph 1, ServiceFix may offer products or services whose prices are linked to fluctuations in the financial market and over which ServiceFix has no influence, with variable prices. This fact that the prices are subject to fluctuations and the fact that prices which may be quoted are indicative prices are indicated in the offer;
5. The client cannot derive any rights from obvious calculation, counting or writing errors;
6. In the event that no price has been agreed, ServiceFix is entitled to a price to be determined in reasonableness and fairness.

Additional costs
If one of the following circumstances occurs, ServiceFix is entitled to charge the client for the additional costs it has incurred as a result, even if a fixed price for the work has been agreed with the client:
- the agreement is extended or amended at the request of the client;
- there are waiting times and delays caused by the Client's failure to comply with its obligations or caused by third parties engaged by the Client;
Payment and extrajudicial collection costs
1. The client must pay ServiceFix's invoice within a period of 14 days, unless expressly agreed otherwise;
2. If payment of the invoice due to ServiceFix is not made on time and/or in full, the client is automatically in default, if the client is a company. ServiceFix is then entitled, without further notice, to suspend the services it owes arising from the agreement until its claim as described below has been paid;
3. ServiceFix is always entitled to demand full or partial advance payment or cash payment. ServiceFix is also always entitled to require alternative security before proceeding with further performance of the agreement;
4. The client must transfer the payment to bank account number NL34 RABO 0380 1639 777 in the name of ServiceFix B.V.;
5. If the client is a company and fails to pay the invoice, ServiceFix is entitled to increase its invoice – after a reminder – with collection costs being 15% of the outstanding amount with a minimum of € 200.00 and to recover these from the client. In case the client is a consumer, the invoice will be increased by the legally applicable (extrajudicial) collection costs;
6. ServiceFix hands over the matters relating to debt collection to Debtt B.V., De Oude IJssel 3, 8253 PV Dronten, Chamber of Commerce 82929823.
1. The goods to be delivered by ServiceFix meet the usual requirements and standards that can reasonably be set at the time of delivery and for which they are intended for normal use in the Netherlands. The warranty mentioned in this article applies to items intended for use within the Netherlands. In the case of use outside the Netherlands, the client must verify whether the use is suitable for use there and meet the conditions set for this. In that case, ServiceFix may impose different warranty and other conditions with regard to the goods to be delivered or work to be carried out ;
2. The guarantee referred to in paragraph 1 of this article applies for a period of fourteen days after delivery, unless the nature of the delivered goods dictates otherwise or the parties have agreed otherwise. If the warranty provided by ServiceFix concerns an item that was produced by a third party, the warranty is limited to that provided by the manufacturer of the item for it , unless otherwise stated;
3. Any form of warranty will lapse if a defect has arisen as a result of or arises from improper or improper use thereof, improper storage or maintenance thereof by the client and/or by third parties when, without the written permission of ServiceFix, the client or third parties have made or attempted to make changes to the item, other items were attached to it that do not need to be attached to it or if they were processed or processed in a manner other than the prescribed one. The client is also not entitled to a warranty claim if the defect is caused by or is the result of circumstances beyond ServiceFix's control, including weather conditions (such as, but not limited to, extreme rainfall or temperatures), etc.;
4. The client is obliged to examine the delivered goods (or have them examined) immediately at the time that the goods are made available to him or the relevant work has been carried out. In doing so, the client must investigate whether the quality and/or quantity of the delivered goods corresponds to what has been agreed and meets the requirements agreed upon by the parties in this regard. Any visible defects must be reported to ServiceFix in writing within seven days of delivery. Any non-visible defects must be reported to ServiceFix in writing immediately, but in any case no later than fourteen days after discovery. The report must contain a description of the defect that is as detailed as possible (and also accompanied by visual material or any other form of supporting evidence), so that ServiceFix is able to respond adequately. The client must give ServiceFix the opportunity to investigate a complaint (or have it investigated)
5. If the client submits a complaint in time, this does not suspend his payment obligation;
6. If a defect is reported later, the client is no longer entitled to repair, replacement or compensation;
7. If it is established that an item is defective and a complaint has been made in a timely manner, ServiceFix will replace the defective item within a reasonable period of time after receipt thereof or, if return is not reasonably possible, written notification of the defect by the client, at the discretion of ServiceFix, or arrange for it to be repaired orcompensation for this to the client. In the event of replacement, the client is obliged to return the replaced item to ServiceFix and to provide ownership of it to ServiceFix, unless ServiceFix indicates otherwise;
8. If it is established that a complaint is unfounded, the costs arising therefrom, including the investigation costs, incurred on the part of ServiceFix as a result, will be fully borne by the client;
9. After the warranty period has expired, all costs for repair or replacement, including administration, shipping and call-out costs, will be charged to the client.
1. If ServiceFix is liable, this liability is limited to what is regulated in this provision;
2. ServiceFix is not liable for damage, of whatever nature, caused by the fact that ServiceFix has relied on incorrect and/or incomplete information provided by or on behalf of the client;
3. If ServiceFix is liable for any damage, ServiceFix's liability is limited to a maximum of twice the invoice value of the order, at least to that part of the order to which the liability relates;
4. The liability of ServiceFix is in any case always limited to the amount of the payment from its insurer in any case
5. ServiceFix is only liable for direct damage
6. Direct damage is exclusively understood to mean the reasonable costs to determine the cause and extent of the damage, insofar as the determination relates to damage within the meaning of these terms and conditions, any reasonable costs incurred to ensure that the defective performance of ServiceFix complies with the agreement, insofar as these can be attributed to ServiceFix and reasonable costs, to prevent or limit damage, insofar as the client demonstrates that these costs have led to the limitation of direct damage as referred to in these general terms and conditions;
7. ServiceFix is never liable for indirect damage, including consequential damage, loss of profit, lost savings and damage due to business interruption;
8. The limitations of liability included in this article do not apply if the damage is attributable to intent or gross negligence on the part of ServiceFix or its managerial subordinates;
9. ServiceFix emphatically emphasises that the advice depends on the information that the client makes available to ServiceFix and the current information that is available to it. Any advice or the outcome thereof is a snapshot and can never lead to any form of liability on the part of ServiceFix
Involvement of third parties
ServiceFix is authorized to engage third parties in execution of what has been agreed.

Obligations of the client
1. Unless otherwise agreed, the client shall ensure that
ServiceFix in good time, before the start of the execution of the work, the
has about:
• all permits, exemptions and allocations required by the contract;
• the location where the work is to be carried out has been evacuated;
• there is sufficient opportunity for the supply, storage and/or removal of building materials, and
• sufficient connection options for power tools, among other things,
tapping points for gas and water;
• all data relating to the location of cables, pipes and conduits in, on, on or
below the construction site or building plot.
2. The client is obliged, without entitlement to compensation, to provide water, gas, electricity and storage space for materials and tools, if these are present at the construction site;
3. If the client has reserved the delivery of certain building materials and/or the execution of certain work to itself, the client is responsible and liable for the late delivery and/or execution thereof ;
4. If at the start or in the progress of the agreed assignment there is a delay due to the responsibility of the Client, the Client is liable for the resulting damage and the Client must grant a postponement for the delivery of the agreed work for a period that is at least equal to the duration of the delay that has occurred.
1. All goods delivered by ServiceFix in the context of the agreement remain the property of ServiceFix until the client has properly fulfilled all obligations under the agreement(s) concluded with ServiceFix and has expressly agreed in writing that the delivered goods, etc., will become the property of the client;
2. Goods supplied by ServiceFix, which are subject to retention of title pursuant to paragraph 1, may not be resold and may never be used as a means of payment. The client is not authorised to pledge or encumber in any other way the goods covered by the retention of title;
3. The client must always do everything that can reasonably be expected of him to secure the property rights of ServiceFix;
4. If third parties seize the goods delivered subject to retention of title or wish to establish or assert rights to them, the client is obliged to inform ServiceFix of this immediately;
5. The client undertakes to insure and keep insured the goods delivered subject to retention of title against fire, explosion and water damage as well as against theft and to make the policy of this insurance available to ServiceFix on first request. In the event of a payment of the insurance, ServiceFix is entitled to these tokens. To the extent necessary , the client undertakes in advance to provide ServiceFix with its cooperation in all that may be necessary or desirable in that context;
6. In the event that ServiceFix wishes to exercise its property rights referred to in this article, the Client gives unconditional and irrevocable permission in advance to ServiceFix and third parties to be designated by ServiceFix to enter all those places where ServiceFix's property is located and to take back those items.
Force majeure
1. In the event of force majeure, ServiceFix is entitled to dissolve the agreement in whole or in part
without being liable to pay any compensation;
2. Force majeure is understood to mean: any circumstance beyond the control of ServiceFix that makes proper performance of the agreement temporarily or permanently impossible. In the event of temporary impossibility, ServiceFix also has the right to suspend its performance without being obliged to pay compensation;
3. Circumstances in which there will be non-attributable non-compliance will include: war, riots, mobilization, domestic and foreign disturbances , government measures, strikes and exclusions by workers or threats of these, etc. circumstances; disruption of the currency relationships existing at the time of entering into the agreement; operational disruptions due to fire, accident or other occurrences and natural phenomena, all of this regardless of whether the non-performance or late performance takes place at ServiceFix, its suppliers or third parties engaged by it for the execution of the obligation ;
4. In the event that the client fails to comply with its obligations promptly in any way vis-à-vis ServiceFix, in the event of cessation of payment, application for (provisional) suspension of payments, bankruptcy, executory attachment, surrender of assets or liquidation of the client's company , all that is owed by him to ServiceFix by virtue of any contact whatsoever shall immediately become due and payable in full
Right of withdrawal
1. If the client is a consumer, he/she can dissolve an agreement regarding the execution of the work during a reflection period of at least fourteen days without giving reasons. ServiceFix may ask the client for the reason for withdrawal, but may not oblige the client to state its reason(s);
2. The cooling-off period referred to in paragraph 1 shall commence on the day after the conclusion of the agreement;
3. In the event that the work has been commenced by ServiceFix, the client is obliged to pay any costs already incurred by ServiceFix for the work already carried out.
4. Business clients have no right of withdrawal under Dutch law.
5. If the client has paid an amount, ServiceFix will refund this amount as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days after withdrawal, after deduction of the costs already incurred insofar as they are covered by the amount paid.

Amendment clause
- ServiceFix reserves the right to change the general terms and conditions unilaterally and without the consent of the client;
- Changes to these terms and conditions shall only be effective after they have been published in an appropriate manner, on the understanding that in the event of applicable changes during the term of an offer, the provision most favourable to the client shall prevail.
Governing Law
- All legal relationships arising from or in connection with the agreement are governed by Dutch law;
- Any disputes will be settled by the competent Dutch court in the district where ServiceFix's registered office is located. ServiceFix is also free to have the disputes settled by the competent court of the district where the customer is established