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3 m³ container wood


How many parking spaces do I need

Number: Fits 1 parking space



Contents 3 m³
Type of Wood waste
Height 100 cm
Width 150 cm
Length 225 cm
Type Open

Waste types

  • Softboard
  • Furniture upholstery
  • Furniture Cushions
  • MDF
  • Painted/painted wood
  • Frames
  • Saw loss
  • Chipboard
  • Fiberboard
  • Pallets
  • Wood planks
  • Wooden doors (without glass)
  • Wood
  • Hardboard
  • Wooden furniture (without cushions and upholstery)
  • A-wood
  • Untreated wood
  • B-wood
  • Wooden table
  • Asbestos-containing waste
  • Fiberboard with cement mortar
  • Burned materials
  • Impregnated timber and sleepers
  • Chemically contaminated wood
  • Rattan furniture
  • Glass
  • Large metal parts
  • Aluminum
  • Steel
  • Plasticized woods
  • Laminate
  • Impregnated (fence) wood
  • Wolmanized wood
  • Trees
  • Furniture with contamination such as cushions or upholstery
  • Wood with a plastic coating
  • Wood treated with carboleum
  • C-wood
  • Plus all waste streams not previously named

The 3m³wood waste container is a construction waste container for the smaller job. The size can be compared to the old-fashioned mini (car). This construction container is mostly used on jobs where the bathroom, toilet or garden is being refurbished. Consider untreated wood (including particleboard, fiberboard) that needs to be disposed of. Or on jobsites where the user is going to separate the waste. Thus, this literally separates waste at the source. This also has a financial benefit for you.

Looking for a different format? View the complete overview of wood waste containers here.


– One-time placement and collection of the dumpster.
– 10 weeks rent.
Disposal and processing of your waste.
– Environmental surcharge and 21% VAT.
– We do NOT charge a deposit.


Check the table for permitted and non-permitted waste types.
Is your waste type not listed here? View the overview of all waste containers.


For the 6m³ (6 cubic meters) construction container, the following conditions apply regarding the loading of the container:

No trash should protrude from the front, side, or back. Also, you may not load the container higher than 20 cm above the edge, this in connection with being able to transport the container safely.


In many cases, you do not need a permit to have a wood waste container placed. Different rules often apply in the center of large cities. If you have questions about this, you should check with your municipality, or contact us. You are and will always remain responsible for the permit yourself, any precario or fines we will unfortunately have to pass on to you.


When ordered before 1 p.m., we can deliver the dumpster (if requested) the next business day. There is also the possibility of having the container delivered on Saturday. When you enter your zip code where the container is to be placed, the calendar will indicate if it is possible to deliver to you on Saturday. If you have special requirements for the placement of the container, please indicate this when confirming your order.

It is recommended that you be present on the day of placement. If you cannot be present, the driver will place the container as close as possible to the location you specify. If you cannot be home on the day of placement, but are in the area, when confirming your order, you can specify that the driver call you about a half hour before delivery.

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