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Effective cockroach control in the Netherlands

Are you bothered by cockroaches in the Netherlands?
At ServiceFix BV, we offer an effective cockroach control service that works quickly and thoroughly.
Our experienced specialists ensure that your problem is solved efficiently and sustainably.

Cockroach control

Effective control from €95.00

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For quick and effective cockroach control, call 085 800 4321 or fill out our contact form

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More aboutcockroaches

Effective cockroach control

If you’re suffering from cockroaches, it’s wise to call in an expert pest control service.
Aerosols available in the market can kill cockroaches but do not completely solve the problem.
The eggs are protected by a shell and often remain alive even after using these products.
Effective cockroach control is only possible with professional pesticides that are not available to private individuals.
Moreover, the right knowledge about the use and application of these products is of great importance

Would you like to know what ServiceFix BV can do for you, do you have any questions or would you like to make an appointment for an inspection or pest control?
Call 085 800 4321, fill in our contact form or send an e-mail to repair@servicefix.nl.
Our team of experts is here for you!

Cockroaches in general

There are different types of cockroaches.
In the Netherlands, German and American cockroaches are the most common.
The length of these animals varies from about 1 to 8 centimeters, and they have an oval, flat body.
They are usually brown to black in color.
They have six strong hook-shaped legs that allow them to walk up to 5 km per hour and even jump.
Cockroaches are omnivores and can survive for 10 to 40 days without food.
Cockroaches leave droppings everywhere.
For example, if you see small black dots in the back of kitchen cabinets or drawers, they could be from cockroaches.

A cockroach usually enters your home or business because it has come with someone who has been on vacation abroad.
The cockroach can also enter unnoticed through moving boxes, baskets, carpets, and so on.
Once the cockroach has established itself somewhere, it can easily reproduce and spread quickly in an environment with food (leftovers).
They won’t go away on their own; Very thorough control is necessary to completely eradicate both the cockroaches and their eggs.

Effects of Cockroaches

Cockroaches: Rapid Reproduction and Health Risks

Cockroaches can reproduce quickly.
Depending on the type of cockroach, the environment, temperature, and food supply, a female cockroach can produce up to 30 eggs and offspring.
Cockroaches reproduce by depositing egg packets.
A cockroach lives for an average of half a year and during that time a female cockroach lays about 4 to 8 packets with an average of 30 eggs per packet.
Just one cockroach can produce up to 240 offspring.

Health Risks of Cockroaches

Cockroaches leave bacteria and diseases on food and on their droppings, which is harmful to our health.
That is why the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) regularly carries out inspections in restaurants and other food chains.
Hygiene is of great importance in the Netherlands, and finding even one cockroach can be a reason to temporarily close a business.

Take Quick Action on Suspected Cockroaches

If you suspect that cockroaches are present in your home or business, it’s important to take action quickly.
Professional pest control can help deal with a cockroach infestation thoroughly and effectively and prevent it from spreading further.
Contact a specialist to inspect your space and take the necessary measures.

How to get rid of cockroaches

Controlling cockroaches requires a systematic and thorough approach.
Here are the main steps to get rid of cockroaches effectively:

1. Identify the Pest

  • Inspection: Look for signs of cockroaches, such as feces, eggs, and visible cockroaches.
    Also pay attention to the most common hiding places such as behind kitchen appliances, in baseboards, and under crates.

2. Improve Hygiene

  • Clean thoroughly: Remove food debris, crumbs, and grease from surfaces, kitchen cabinets, and floors.
    Cockroaches are attracted to food and moisture.
  • Storage of Food: Store food in tightly sealed containers and keep the kitchen and other food storage areas clean and dry.
  • Waste management: Empty waste bins regularly and use waste containers with a tight-fitting lid.

3. Close Access Points

  • Seal cracks and gaps: Make sure there are no openings for cockroaches to enter, such as cracks in walls, seams around pipes, and openings in the floor or under the doors.
  • Check moving boxes and furniture: When moving or receiving new furniture, inspect and clean it thoroughly to prevent cockroaches.

4. Use professional products

  • Pesticides: Use cockroach repellents such as sprays, gels, or powders that are specifically designed to kill cockroaches.
    These products are often more effective than commercial sprays.
  • Fall: Set up cockroach traps to monitor and reduce the cockroach population.

5. Hire a Professional Pest Control Service

  • Expertise: For a serious infestation, it is often necessary to call in a professional pest control service.
    These experts use cutting-edge techniques and products that are not available to consumers.
  • Regular inspections: Consider periodic inspections and treatments to prevent the infestation from reappearing.

6. Prevent recurrence

  • Maintenance: Continue to maintain hygiene in your home or business.
    Regular cleaning and inspection will help to prevent a new infestation.
  • Education: Educate yourself and others about how cockroaches spread and how to prevent them.

By following these steps, you can effectively control cockroaches and keep your space clean and free of pests.
If in doubt or in the event of a serious infestation, contact a professional to find a thorough and lasting solution.

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