The best wasp control service in the Netherlands
Do you suffer from wasps in your home, garden, or business?
For the most effective wasp control in the Netherlands, you have come to the right place.
We offer professional and fast solutions to thoroughly remedy wasp infestations.

Fighting wasps
Effective control from €95.00
- Emergency control
- Also in the evening/weekend
- Approved company
- Certified employees
- Inspection
- Guarantee
- Private and business
Would you like to make an appointment?
For a quick and effective control of mice, call 085 800 4321 or fill in our contact form
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More about wasps
Fighting wasps
There are various products for sale to catch wasps.
Often these only work temporarily or even exacerbate the problem.
If the source of the nuisance is not addressed, it will not disappear.
In other words, removing or controlling the hornet’s nest is necessary to solve the problem.
Never remove a hornet’s nest yourself.
This can be life-threatening!
Leave this work to a wasp control expert.
They have knowledge and access to effective resources that are not available to individuals.
Wasps in general
There are different types of wasps in the Netherlands.
The most well-known is the common wasp.
A small black yellow colored animal that is about 1.5 to 2 cm in size.
The German wasp is also common in the Netherlands.
Each wasp species has its own lifestyle and way of building nests.
Wasps eat mosquitoes, flies and other insects and are therefore useful creatures in their own right.
But unfortunately, they can also be a nuisance.

Consequences of wasp nuisance
Around April, wasp queens wake up from their hibernation.
They will then make a new nest and lay eggs.
A wasp queen lays about 100 eggs per day and a fully grown wasp nest can harbor as many as 3000 to 10,000 wasps.
If there is enough food for the worker bees, a small wasp nest can quickly grow into a huge nest.
A single queen wasp can result in a large nest with all the nuisance that entails.
If you discover a hornet’s nest, it is advisable to intervene.
As long as a wasp is not disturbed, you generally have nothing to fear.
If a worker feels threatened or trapped, she stings.
A wasp can sting several times.
The stings cause considerable pain.
When a wasp nest is disturbed, you can get a whole column of wasps following you.
They are aggressive and can sting.
A wasp sting can be life-threatening for people who are allergic to the wasp venom.
About 4% of the Dutch population is allergic to the poison and people die every year as a result of a wasp sting.
Why Pest Control
Pests invade your home in many more ways than many people know.
In addition to open windows and doors, they will find other entrances.
Gaps as small as 1 centimetre are large enough for rodents such as mice and rats to enter.
In fact, most insects only need a few millimeters of space.
During our inspection and pest control, we always check whether the so-called entry points (access roads) are sealed.
It is important to control rats with the right products.
The presence of pests means that many people no longer feel comfortable in their own home or living environment.
They even cause anxiety symptoms and can lead to psychological problems.
Not surprising when we consider that pests cause noise pollution, itching, poor sleep and unhygienic situations.
In addition, pests can also cause serious material damage.
Rodents gnaw on electrical cables and are often the cause of short circuits or electrical problems that are difficult to explain.
Pests can transmit and spread infectious diseases through their urine and feces. They are often harmful animals that can make you sick.
Foodborne infection
By gnawing on food, pests can infest food. They also damage packaging, causing food to spoil faster.
Nuisance from unwanted animals in the home causes anxiety, an unpleasant feeling and stress for many people. In the long term, this has consequences for sleep and the nuisance can sometimes even lead to psychological problems.
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