Our repair service
ServiceFix BV repaired
Fire, storm, flood.
Natural phenomena that cause considerable, unexpected damage in a short period of time.
The impact of this damage is often very large.
For example, your home is suddenly inaccessible or employees can no longer work due to a dangerous situation in the workplace.
Acting quickly and efficiently is a priority here, so you prevent your building from being unusable for a longer period of time.
ServiceFix BV is an expert in this field.
We ensure that your home feels like home again quickly and that your employees can work safely again.
Available 24/7
We always have a team ready to get to work immediately in the event of damage.
And by always, we really mean 24/7.
Whether your roof has been destroyed by a storm, the basement is flooded by a flood or your office is inaccessible due to a fire.
We’re here for you.